Sunday, January 09, 2005


I thought it might be interesting to look at some pet bichon heads. Some of these are repeats. I don't think you will mind. :-) Underneath each picture is info about the rest of the groom, since the head is (ideally) shaped to fit the body.

Claude Head

Claude is my least frequent bichon groom, coming in only every 12 weeks or so for a total buzz with a #5 blade. His head is as small as I can make it. This particular time, I made his expression look rather fierce, by making the shape between the eyes too pointed. Next time we will try something else.

Daisy 1/05.JPG
I would call this a "medium full" head. Daisy comes every two weeks and is maintained in a fairly short style. I use 1&1/2 snap-on comb on the body and scissor the legs.

Jordie Head
Another short head. Jordie gets a #3 3/4 blade all over body and legs. He has poor tolerance for grooming and is not well at the moment. Prayers for this little guy. He comes every 3 weeks. He paws at me while I groom his head!

Harley Head.JPG
Harley had to get a short cut because of severe allergy problems. He still has a very "bichonly" look, nonetheless.

Pierre Head
Pierre is big and gets a full scissored trim, so he can hold a very full head. This time I cut it down some and it looks a little out of round. He comes in every other Saturday, so next time I will perfect it. All my grooming is "work in progress". The cool thing about pet hair is that is grows back and you can take another whack at it next time.

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