Wednesday, February 02, 2005


One of the tricks I've learned in my bichon grooming that helps to make the really cute look of the bichon rear view, is to set in the tail. I do this with scissors, my little 5.5" curved Eickerts. This picture shows the area I'm talking about. It is not exactly a before shot as this dog was groomed 4 weeks prior. Otherwise, it would probably be more bushy right where the tail meets the body.

Bichon Tail 1

At the base of the tail, scissor a small band. If you like, you can make a slightly inverted "V" shape. I make it no wider that a single finger-width.

Bichon Tail 3
Bichon Tail 2

On the underside, the small band meets where you clean out around the anus. If the tail has a tendency to mat above the anus, just scissor it a little higher up on the underside.
Bichon Tail 4

If you want a cleaner look, you can use clippers with a #10 blade or a trimmer (the Wahl TidBit formerly the Peanut is my fave). Be careful, however, about using blades around the rectum, as you can make an owie. A #10 blade is quite safe, the accident I can remember was using a trimmer on a toy poodle that sat on the clipper blade as I worked in the tender area. OWIE! After that, I tend to be happy with this scissored look.

Here is Pierre, a bun shot that shows (I hope) how cleaning out at the base of the tail helps to set out the rounded butt. Making that little band not only keeps the tail hair from bunching in front of the tail, it also helps to distinguish the tail from the rounded butt. Kapeesh?
Bichon Buns

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