Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Back in 1977 as I was working as a mobile groomer and planning the opening of my own place, I thought hard about what to call my business. It was a difficult process. Did I want to go with a fun and upbeat name like "Pooch Paradise", a straightforward, serious name such as "Canine Coiffeurs", a play on words like "Bark Avenue"? Or did I want to play into pet owners fantasy and call it "The Magic Wand"? I agonized. I wanted something different, something that had class, something that reflected the work that I do.

It was given to me by a customer. I handed him his finished dog. "My Oh My," he said, "You certainly accomplish a transformation." THAT'S IT! "Transformation." The first few years I called myself "The Transformation". The problem with that was people not associating it with pets. Also, old people would call and ask for bus route information. "Transformation, not Transportation, Sir". The funniest call was a very irate man, who through seething teeth, asked "Just what kind of transformations are you doing there?" "Excuse me?" I replied. "Are you associated with any of them gay rights organeezations?" he hissed. "Dogs, Sir, we transform DOGS!"

When I expanded into retail sales with a focus on holistic health, I changed the name to Transformation Pet Health Center. The concept of transformation has worked well in connection with selling health foods. Having the word "Pet" in the name helps people focus. But the word "Health" seems to invite callers wanting free veterinary advice. I've lost count of how many calls I've received from folks asking what to do about their cat that won't use the litter box. Why me?

Anyway.... the name "Transformation" has given me something to grow into. I'm not sure it was the best business decision, a name in the beginning of the alphabet would be a wise choice. Nonetheless, "Transformation" certainly describes my own personal growth and development as a groomer. And it is indeed the transformational nature of grooming that has me hooked. I am hopelessly addicted to the satisfaction gained from transforming a unkempt beast into a work of art . Here is one of my latest.

Bichon Before
Bichon After

Too bad I could not bleach out the saliva stains from his recent attack of allergies. Still, he looks a lot better, don't you agree? His owner was so impressed, she put him on a two-week schedule. Regardless of Cosmo's overgrown condition in the "before" mode, this dog is well-maintained at home and barely had any mats. Now that's my kind of customer!

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