Sunday, July 10, 2005


I have been using three-fingered shears for over two years. What attracted me to them was that I recognized that this handle would automatically place my hand in the right relationship to the shears for maximum effiiciency. I wanted to get to another level with my scissoring, and I thought that the key might be in perfecting the way I was holding the shears. I was right! The three-fingered shears have allowed me to see a noticeable improvement in my scissor finishing. Here is a Standard Poodle with scissored legs that I did with my newest Talyn 3-Fingered 8.5" Titanium coated shears.
Scissored Poodle.JPG

I think I've earned some bragging rights! I may not be a competition groomer, but this is pretty darn good shop work. This kind of work takes a steady hand with a smooth repetitive action. You need to use the full length of your blades, and each cut needs to be similar. If your hand is sliding around the shear's handles, or if you have them in a death grip, you won't get the machine-like action you need to get the result you hope for. Or, it will take hours. I did this whole groom in about an hour and a half.

Here are the Talyn 3-fingered shears.
Talyn 3 Fingered Shears
The color comes from the titanium coating. The process is such that the titanium becomes "one with the metal" and will not chip or crack. It adds durability and hardness to the metal, and gives extra smoothness to the cutting action. Titanium shears are The Bomb. Many of the other Talyn shears are now available with this colorful addition. Titanium is not just a cosmetic choice, it's an upgrade for the shears. If the coloring does not appeal to you, the 3-fingered shears are still available in the original finish.

I learned to groom with the old Filipino "88" style shears with long shanks and large finger holes. After several years, I reached my personal best, and I figured I just was not a master of the scissor finish. My work was acceptable, but not awesome. I figured I had reached my limit and that I didn't have better scissoring in me. Well, duh, it wasn't ME, it was the shears! Once I started using better shears, my work started improving again. Eventually I reached another plateau. When I purchased the three-fingered shears my finishing jumped up another significant notch.

There's more: The 3-fingered shears have retrained my old groomer's hand to find a better grip on other shears as well. I am getting better results from my other shears also. If I had a grooming school, these would be the shears I would have my students use first. It would save me from having to make endless corrections, "You're not holding those shears right!" Newbie groomers would know from the start what a balanced proper grip feels like.

Talyn Three-Fingered shears are a great addition to any groomer's toolbox, veteran or novice.

Shop from a groomer! For these and other fine shears, visit Get the insight into the choice of grooming shears from a veteran groomer. Thanks for your support!

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