Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Here it is! The Talyn Scimitar Shear:
Talyn Scimitar #2

Our fascination with scissors and shears drew us immediately to this new design in a grooming shear. Appearing to curve slightly to the left, the inside edge cuts straight.
The picture below shows the blades open so you can see that it will cut straight.
Talyn Scimitar Shears

The purpose of this engineering design is to reduce the tendency of the blades to push or move the hair as it is top cut (what groomers do). Because of this hair pushing and smooshing, the hair usually must be recombed up and rescissored again and again in order to get the velvet smooth plush finish that we crave. When the pushing of the hair is reduced, we get a perfect result with less work. VOILA!

The Talyn Scimitar shear is a great choice when scissoring soft, dropped coats, such as the Maltese or puppy coats. Here is an adorable puppy trimmed with a Talyn Scimitar. The face was accomplished with my favorite little 5.5" curved scissor from Arius Eickert.
Puppy Groom.JPG
Professional pet groomers know how a puppy coat like this can give you fits to scissor. Ever snip leaves a mark and it can seem impossible to get an even looking surface. That's because the scissor blades are pushing and smooshing the hair.

The Talyn Scimitar shears are also ultra light weight. These 7" that I have pictured were so light in the case that when I picked up the (handsome) faux alligator case (with felt lining) I thought it must be an empty case. Whew! I opened it and I was wrong. The shears simply weigh next to nothing. The offset thumb ring is also slightly bent at an angle, making this a very comfortable handle. This is a Japanese style shear with a convex, razor sharp edge. Not a scissor for sissies.

REGULAR PRICE $150.00 - JUNE (2006) SPECIAL PRICE - $130.00
Comes in a 7" length (as pictured) and a 9" length.

Shears may be purchased at the bbird SHOPping Cart. Click HERE to shop for these and many other fine shears and grooming equipment.

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