After over 30 years of pet grooming, I am finally getting my act together. Although I have always known that efficiency in working has a direct relationship to how well one organizes their tools, I have been terrible in putting that knowledge into practice at my grooming table. If I had all the time back that I have spent searching for lost tools that have been knocked off the table or drifted around the shop, I'd be 10 years younger. Enough already!
Here's my new set up at the table where I sit down to groom. My inspiration for this set up was my manicurist, Nikki. She has everything she needs at her immediate reach. As I watched her work doing my nails, I said to myself: "Self! You need to work like this!" This is what I've come up with.
This is a Tool Caddy by Tableworks. I had to wait over two years to get this goody when I changed the table top on my Edemco electric table and created an overhang where I could clamp a post. Originally the table was fitted with a top that had a metal lip that did not accomodate a clamp. With the new Hanvey blue top (yea!), I could use my Groomers' Helper post for the Tool Caddy. How cool is this!
Let's look closer at what I've got there.
On the front of the caddy are holes for five pairs of scissors. No more shears being kicked off the table!! Behind the shears, I have my two most used brushes, the Chris Christensen 16 mm "T" brush and my favorite mini slicker. The toenail clippers stick in the outside hole, not on the floor. On the back of the caddy is a tray where I have ear powder and stypic powder.
Those are two things that are most likely to get blown off a table by the dryer air. Under the tray is a shelf that holds three blades. I have the hemostats stuck in the post holding the caddy - a perfect place. Hanging on the side, are my iVac clipper, the little Wahl Tidbit that I use for clipping foot pads.
Here's a view of an empty Tableworks Tool Caddy from their website.
Click HERE to go to the Tableworks website. They are very helpful people. Tell them you found them on the GroomBlog!
This started with a narrow plastic drawer set that I found years ago that is designed for small spaces such as in the bathroom. It fits perfectly between my tub and table. But stuff kept blowing off the top, so I got a plastic basket and used a bungy cord to attach the basket to the drawers. Recently I got smart and attached a cutlery holder from Bed Bath & Beyond to the basket. VOILA! Now I have brushes, combs, my Speed Feed, the phone, ear cleaner and cotton pads (which I can reach from the tub), and my handy bottle of Chris Christensen Ice on Ice detangler spray. That black thing on top of the bottle is the alternate nozzle for my Laube Magnum dryer. WhooYah, am I organized or WHAT! In the drawers, I have my Speed Feed comb attachments, more blades, and extra pieces for the LIPS system.
That piece of plastic on the table is a Hanvey Table Divider (available from, a very helpful item when I am sitting down working on small dogs that tend to try to move away from me to the most far quadrant on the table. The divider keeps them within reach. This really helps my back, the reason I have to sit down to groom in the first place. Oh yes, the Edemco table has a built-in drawer that swings out and is just the right size to hold the rolled up table divider when not in use. GOTTA LOVE IT!
I love this post.