Monday, July 30, 2012


Meet "Toots", a two-year old Norfolk Terrier who arrived at Transformation Pet Center in a very overgrown, shaggy condition. Her grooming was a two-phase process, requiring two visits a week apart. Grooming this dog was something of a rodeo event. She just didn't want to cooperate. I had to call my assistant in on her day off to help me. Once Anita was there to hold her little legs to the table, we did much better. The hand stripping did not hurt Toots, she simply did not want to stand still for any grooming.  We recommend that a first grooming of any kind be scheduled before the dog is six months old, while they are still in a learning mode.

When possible, I collect the hair from my handstripping and display it near the front counter for the owner to see when they pick up the dog.  This gives them an appreciation of the work I have done.

Some scissor work with blenders or chunkers is acceptable for pets, even when hand stripped.  We trimmed the backside and the underline where Toots was most tender. This two-visit hand stripping cost $150.00.  A regular Norfolk Terrier hand stripped groom would average about $85.00.

Transformation Pet Center, Tucson, Arizona, USA is home to Barbara Bird, Certified Master Groomer and International Grooming Educator/Speaker.  For appointment call us at 520-795-5743.

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