Saturday, December 04, 2004

An American Cocker Groom

Lady 12/04/04.JPG
Originally uploaded by Groomer Goddess.
"Lady" (she lives with a schnauzer named...are you ready..."Tramp"), comes every two weeks so that we can maintain this lovely full coat.

PRODUCTS USED: Regular salon shampoo followed by application of Chris Christensen "Gold on Gold" color enhancing shampoo. Conditioned with Show Seasons "Condition" with added silicones. By this I mean that I mix the conditioner and a silicone spray product such as Show Sheen in the tub and work it through the coat with a recirculating bathing system.

EQUIPMENT/TOOLS: Bathing Beauty bathing system, K9II High Velocity dryer with a wide diffuser replacing the cone, some pen drying under fans. #5f blade on the back, #10 on face & ears. Feet were beveled using an Arius-Eickert 6.5" curved Proline shear.

NOTES: I've been grooming this dog for over 10 years and have used many different products. Today's choices gave a particularly outstanding result. I thought that the Gold on Gold shampoo did enhance the color, especially the lighter tones. It is impossible to show this well in a picture, but I was impressed. I've also been very happy with Best Shot Plenish conditioner over the years with this dog.

ISSUES & CHALLENGES: Drying this coat is always a challenge and the products used can add time. If the entire coat is not thoroughly dried, it will get matted. Today was fun, because I had someone bathing and drying for me, but when I work alone, this groom can eat up a lot of time, and throw me into a stress mode. Gotta love this work!!!

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