Saturday, December 04, 2004

Here's Jake! - Bichon Groom

Originally uploaded by Groomer Goddess.
Somehow this perfect little bichon boy ended up in rescue and was adopted by Harley's mom as a companion to Harley. Unlike Harley, Jake can maintain a full-coated groom. Both dogs are groomed every two weeks, with a maintenance bath one time and a full groom the other. Here are the details on this groom:

PRODUCTS USED: Chris Christensen White on White shampoo followed by CC After Bath rinse (see blog article)

DRYING METHOD: Some drip drying in cage followed by moderate high velocity drying with a Kool Dry and fluff finishing with an arm dryer (Edemco 7000).

Hand Scissored with Talyn 9" shears for topline and outlining, Arius Eickert 8" Slimline Titanium shears for finishing, and AE Fang II Curved 8" for the headpiece. AE 5.5" curved Proline scissors were used on the feet and to detail the eyes.

CHALLENGES/ISSUES: Jake doesn't stand still very well. I can HARDLY do his head and he has this annoying habit of shifting his weight on his legs as I am scissoring them, which changes everything. Grrr. Other than that, he's perfect.

Links: for the Kool Dry dryer.

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