Saturday, December 11, 2004


Sometimes we take things for granted. For example, we might assume that everybody holds a grooming comb the same way we do. Not! Today I got an email from a dedicated bichon owner who is frequently combing her bichon. Her problem is that the comb is digging into her hand. Not good. Here is my instructional:

Step One: Pinch the rib of the comb between your thumb and first joint of the forefinger. This is called a "fulcrum". I would not have known that except my drum teacher told me this. Holding a comb properly is very similar to holding a drum stick properly. Here's the picture -
comb 1.JPG

Step Two: Wrap your remaining fingers around the top rib of the comb on the other side. This is the tricky part. Do NOT wrap your fingers around the bottom of the tines.
Comb 2.JPG

In working position your comb should look like this:

For heavier work, your grip may shift, with the thumb being extended along the rib.

Disclaimer: The comb in these photos is used at home for unmentionable jobs. Normally when the coating on the tines has worn off as seen in these pics you should toss the comb.

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