Thursday, December 16, 2004


One of my personal pet peeves (pun) about other groomers' work is the tendency to groom the poodle tail as an afterthought. "Ping pong ball" tails make me cringe. My biggest gripe is about tails that have been incorrectly docked, especially those that are docked like schnauzer tails, leaving barely a button.

My own preference for a poodle tail is a nice pom pom. Something like this:
Poodle Tail.JPG

Most importantly, the tail should balance the hat, or topknot. This is Paco. He is elderly and sway-backed, but a nice poodle with nice porportions. Notice how the head and the tail more or less match. Get it?

That's me holding the tail in place with a paint stirring stick. It's amazing how one will improvise. Taking pictures solo requires imagination. Also please note the lovely backdrop now covering the yukky white wall.

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