Tuesday, June 07, 2005


This Bichon Frise, Cosmo, was blogged back in March 2005 when he came in looking for a "more bichonly" look. This was Cosmo on that date:
Bichon Before
Cosmo had been groomed three or four weeks prior to this appointment. This "look" is what I call the "marshmallow" trim, often given to bichons when the owner requests a full scissored groom. They are trimmed all over, but there is no styling or contouring.

After that first groom, Cosmo looked like this:
Bichon After
Much better! But there's more to go.....

Here he is two months later, with more shaping. This picture is not the best, but you can see the "work in progress" aspect of the grooming.
OMG! If it wasn't for the floppy topknot and discoloration from his allergies, I would not recognize this as the same dog! What is that? A smile on his face??

For more articles on grooming, and a subject index to the GroomBlog, visit http://www.bbirdbiz.com. To go direct to the BBird Shopping cart for scissors, step-in harnesses (for bichons), aromatherapy for groomers & pets, go to http://bbird.biz.

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