Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Here's a styling option to keep in mind. Shaving the ears. It takes a bold stylist and a brave owner, but the effect can be fabulous. Here's a ShihTzu/Terrier mix named "Karma".
ShihTzu Mix

Clipping those ears gives this little guy a distinct look. This dog was groomed with a #4F blade all over, the ears with a #5. The tail was trimmed by holding the hair half way up and trimming the end.

A little postscript here: I've been working on indexing the GroomBlog by subject with links back to this site on the biz website, http://www.bbirdbiz.com. On the homepage, you will see a link to the special page titled GroomBlog Index. I hope this helps you get more value from the GroomBlog. As of today, the bichon articles and the terrier articles are all indexed and linked.

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