Thursday, November 08, 2007


Although most owners of Goldendoodles want a less "poodley", more "natural" looking grooming style, there are exceptions. Here is Schatzie, a Goldendoodle who has been rehomed with his trainer. This owner prefers a fancy Poodle style, called the Town & Country, which features high hips and shoulders and a narrow midsection. Schatzie pulls it off well.
The Goldendoodle as a Poodle
width="500" height="375" alt="Schatzie - Goldendoodle or Poodle?" />Schatzie - Goldendoodle or Poodle?
Schatzie clearly enjoys being in a poodle clip. Actually he makes a better Poodle than some purebreds I have groomed.

This trim was done with a #5 blade for the body work, a #30 on face and feet, and scissored legs. His topknot is rather floppy. This was our first groom. By the third time, we had the right combination of styling products and shape to yield a topknot with some height and less flop. We used Chris Christensen Thick n' Thicker gel on the damp head before fluff drying, and Chris Christensen Thick n' Thicker Spray while scissoring.

I'll tell the truth - when the dog and owner first walked in and I saw the patterned trim on a Goldendoodle, I had some resistance. I've worked so hard to develop a more natural look for this breed based on what most owners seem to want. In case you haven't seen it, here is last year's article with pictures of Gracie the Goldendoodle. Click here.

Schatzie's owner was very attached to the fancy poodle trim, and the dog is used as an attention-getter for her business, so I let go of my "stuff" about what a doodle should look like and welcomed the opportunity to practice my Town & Country pattern (on a slightly straight coat). I'm happy with the result. Schatzie has become a great walking advertisement for my work, too.

You can find me at Transformation Pet Center, Tucson, Arizona. 520-795-5743


  1. This is a great clip for this dog. Yet another wonderful groom by BBird !!!

  2. I've never suggested this to any of my clients as they always want this funky type head and since my doodles' heads are always matted; I can never do anythng really nice.

    I do like the combo Eqyss Shampoo, CC Afteath and a little Ice on Ice; I'm going to try this on the two that come in with real tight wiry coats. We have a hell of a time trying to brush them out. Thanks for your enlighteninginfo.

  3. This is about a full coated lhasa - his last groomer told the owner that he should only be carded twice a year. You should see his coat! I feel he needs it more regularly, at least for a while, until his coat lies flater and has more luster. Am I right in my thinking and if so how do I convince the owner.

  4. I took this question to my other blog, Check over there, 'K?

  5. I think Janie meant to say Chris Christensen After Bath as a conditioner. This is a nice light conditioning choice. The Ice on Ice helps with mats. If you find yourself using lots of silicone detangler, EZ Groom "E-Z Glide" is way cheaper than Ice on Ice.

    Matting on Goldendoodles is a fact of life. It comes with the territory, the double coat. For basic home maintenance, I recommend the Chris Christensen 16mm T brush. It's stiff enough to sort of comb/brush in one step. If the coat is severely matted, a Les Pooch Mat Zapper can be very helpful. The LPs are a very expensive brushes, but your Doodle deserves the right tool. The LP will get out stuff that shames other brushes.

    I can get most matting out using these two tools and some good conditioner with silicone detangler. When the mat is terrible, I might reach for the grey handled "Mat Breaker" tool and pick at it to break it up.

    Chris Christensen products can be purchased through Cherrybrook, E-Z Groom can be found at Some EZ Groom items are at
